Sycamore Shoals State Historic Park Museum Opening in Elizabethton, TN. on June 28th 2013

Governor Bill Haslam with Richard Luce at the opening of the Sycamore Shoals State Historic Park Museum in front of the entrance mural.

Original Oil of "A Call to Arms" displayed in front of entrance mural.

Original Oil of "Cherokee Attack" in front of mural depicting the attack on Fort Watauga in May of 1776.

Mural depicting a pre contact Cherokee village

Mural depicting the rendezvous of the overmountain Men at Sycamore Shoals on September 25th 1780.

Richard Luce with Steve Ricker at the museum opening. Steve along with his wife Suzi Dressed and outfitted the mannaquins in the museum.

Lea Ann Luce and Suzi Ricker at the museum opening.
Museum Panels at the Blair Keller Historic Center at the muster grounds in Abingdon, VA. in September 2012